Our Story


Wiisinidaa means “Lets Eat” in Ojibwe, the concept of food within the indigenous community has always been of a shared nature, time spent among family and friends during seasonal feasts, celebratory events, Pow wows and ceremonies. Wiisindaa has a couple goals involving healthy eating, ethical harvesting and sustainable eating. We dream of a day when frybread is no longer the associated food with the Indigenous community but healthy vegetable based diets that include minor amounts of red meats indigenous to Canada such as Bison,Venison and Moose. 

With Wiisinidaa not only do we want to feed as many people as possible and introduce them to cleaner, healthier eating but we also want to provide opportunities to the Indigenous community to gain meaningful experience with hands on training, that way not only do they learn about clean eating but they can passed on that knowledge to friends and family as well as have the necessary skills to excel in the hospitality industry.

Recently Wiisinidaa had the pleasure of providing food at a Truth and Reconciliation day event, we served over 100 attendee’s, with positive feedback on all four dishes and requests for potential catering events elsewhere as well as with the organizer of the before mentioned event.

One goal we want to emphasize is traditional ways of eating with a modern twist so that it is accessible to anyone that would be interested in the food. We strongly Believe that Wiisinidaa could be a brand name that people can not only trust, believe in but also rely on to lead the way in educating and reclaiming our way of sustainable eating. Another goal is to connect with indigenous communities outside of the city and potentially sourcing from those communities teachings and ways of foraging and recognizing the edible foliage that is all around us.